Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said the decision to designate Kushinagar airport in Uttar Pradesh as an i

nternational one was “great news” and will provide better opportunities for the local people.

“Great news for Uttar Pradesh, tourism and those inspired by the noble thoughts of Lord Buddha! Kushinagar Airport will now be an international airport. Connectivity will improve significantly. More tourists and pilgrims will also mean better opportunities for local population,” Modi tweeted after the Union Cabinet in its meeting gave its approval to declare Kushinagar airport as an international airport.

Kushinagar airport is located in the vicinity of several Buddhist cultural Sites like Sravasti, Kapilvastu and Lumbini.

Kushinagar itself is a Buddhist cultural site and declaration as an “international airport” will offer improved connectivity, wider choice of competitive costs to the air-travellers. It will result in boosting of domestic/international tourism and economic development of the regions. It will be an important strategic location with the international border close by, the government said in a statement.


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